Can The Self-Help WILL be used in all states? The Self-Help WILL© may be used in all states except Louisiana (because of the unique nature of Louisiana's law).

Do I need special software to use The Self-Help WILL?   No. You use the free Adobe Reader software, which is already on most computers, to access your Will file and Instruction Guide. Here is an internet link to download latest free version:   https://get.adobe.com/reader/

What if I miss or cannot attend the Webinar for which I registered?   Being registered, if you are unable to attend the live webinar you may watch a video replay at your convenience.  And your secured Self-Help WILL PDF Will file and the Instruction Guide will still be emailed to you following the webinar. The Self-Help WILL Instruction Guide clearly shows you all steps to easily complete your Will PDF. 

While the webinar hosted by attorney Jim Ramette is engaging and interesting, it is informational in nature. Jim explains how and answers questions about using The Self-Help WILL & Instruction Guide to complete your legal Will on your computer.

Will I have time to ask questions during the Webinar?  Yes. Jim will answer questions during the webinar and you will have time at the end for additional questions. 

Do my spouse or partner and I need separate Wills?   While some states may allow two people to have a joint Will, it is usually best for each person to have a separate Will. This ensures the integrity of each person's property rights and avoids a potential costly future courtroom battle over whether a joint Will can be revoked or changed. The Self-Help WILL© is designed for individual use, so do not attempt to make a "joint-Will" with the forms. 

Can I change my Will at any time without additional cost, or without taking another webinar? Yes. Following the webinar and the receipt of your personalized Self-Help WILL and Instruction Guide PDFs, you keep the PDFs on your computer which you may access at any time to change or update your Will -- forever.

Do I need any special training or knowledge to write my Will with The Self-Help WILL? No. However, it is important for you to attend the webinar and/or read the Instruction Guide to properly write a legal Will. 

Do I need to print out my final Will for it to be valid, or can I just save it on my computer? For a Will to be valid it must be printed out, signed and witnessed. All steps and legal requirements are clearly explained in the webinar and in the Self-Help WILL Instruction Guide. Use of a notary is optional.

More Information

May I attend a Webinar without my spouse?  Yes.  Spouses may attend separate webinars or may attend the same Webinar. In either case, each person must separately register and pay the registration fee. After the webinar, each person receives their own personalized Self-Help WILL and the Instruction Guide PDF files.

Before I attend a Webinar do I need to know who I want in my Will to be guardians for my children or to whom I want to give my property? No. There is no pre-webinar preparation needed. Everything you need to easily complete your personalized Self-Help Will on your computer is explained in the webinar and again in the Instruction Guide which you receive following the webinar. After the webinar, you receive by email your secured and personalized Will PDF file and Instruction Guide. Using the free Adobe Reader software to access your Will PDF, you will easily and quickly complete a unique legal Will for your needs, securely in the privacy of your home — on your own computer. You may then change and update your WILL as often as you decide without additional cost.

Does the Will include guardianship provisions for my children?   Yes.

 How is guardianship different from The Self-Help TRUST? A guardianship provision in a Will safeguards a child and their property until age of majority, usually age 18. At that age the child is entitled to the inheritance in full. By adding the optional Self-Help TRUST you are able to manage the timing of the distribution of your property to your children.